Melissa King
Hello! This is my story.
One of the reasons I love coaching is because SO MUCH can happen in the container or just one conversation. Lots of big decisions in my life have come from conversations with trusted friends or mentors – we were in the conversation together, but the decision was mine. As a coach, I’m learning right along with my client every time and love that I can be “in it” with someone, ride alongside them, and give them the gift of self-awareness and development with the right conversation.
I have a full-time job where I get to practice my coaching skillset, by working in a role where I support people’s development. At DPR Construction, I help managers and employees work on giving and receiving feedback, building great teams, working through time management challenges and getting through conflict.
The reason I’m interested in coaching a young woman is that I want her to be strong, smart and bold. As women, we’re told at a very young age whether we’re “too bossy, “too big” or “too loud.” I didn’t realize this so clearly until I became a mom to a big, bossy and bold girl. Now, I feel strongly about the disparity of expectations and messaging that boys and girls receive. Instead of being worried about how often my daughter asks for snacks, I want to teach her how to listen to her body and trust it. Instead of telling her to be nicer or say sorry first, I want to teach her to be kind to others and kind to herself. Instead of praising her for looking cute, I want to encourage her creativity and self-expression. I’m so passionate about working with young women because some of these things will be lifelong struggles – the earlier we notice the patterns, the earlier we can change them!
I started to notice lots of these things when I began coach training. I’m still doing lots of developmental work on my own – constantly learning and unlearning! My latest work has been around intuitive eating (understanding when I’m hungry, eating food that serves me, not having to finish the last bite, etc.) and loving my body as it is right now!
What inspires me...
I spend my free time with my kids Deacon (almost 5!) and Jolene (3 ½) and husband Jason. We’re outside as much as we can be and have been loving mornings at the beach lately.