Stephanie Davis
About this course
Hello! This is my story.
Stephanie Y. Davis, daughter, granddaughter, sister, mother, aunt, caregiver, donor, activist, yogi, mentor, IT Director, partner and friend. Her story reads like that of an epic adventure, complete with countless mistakes, missteps, near death experiences, struggle, strain, fear, strength, courage, success and spiritual triumph! Through life’s experiences, she has found and revealed her life’s purpose, discovered the sheer power that lies within and recovered her authentic and true self. Stephanie is a living testament to the value in life’s journey and the power of believing in the Universe, acting on faith, and giving back.
Stephanie has achieved tremendous success, personally and professionally. She has attained multiple degrees, received many awards and accolades for her work in and out of corporate America, and climbed the corporate IT ladder to achieve great success. Stephanie continues to donate and dedicate time and effort to achieving a better future and a better world. She remains on her own self-defined path to healing, spiritual connection, forgiveness, happiness, and universal oneness.
As one of the Founders of One Union, Stephanie works tirelessly with her sister circle to share knowledge of Universal Principle, Laws of Reciprocity, and Manifestation.
What inspires me…
She continues to motivate others to create a better life, a better community and a better world! Stephanie resides in Saint Augustine, Florida and spends most of her time traveling, writing, practicing yoga, working, caring for her 95 year old grandmother and raising an extraordinary young Black man.
Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.