Regina Shields
About this course
Film Gurl Productions, CEO
Regina is an experienced individual, with insight, creativity and professional integrity who has worked in the entertainment industry for over 20 years. Graduating from The Los Angeles Film School as the first African-American woman is one of her greatest accomplishments. Her experience includes: camera woman, film editor, producer, director, post-production associate and executive assistant. She freelances and has built her own brand known as “Film Gurl Productions.” She’s had the opportunity to work with so many wonderful professionals and companies such as Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), Black Entertainment Television (BET), Harvest Studios (Bentley Kyle Evans), Gurney Productions just to name a few. She is also the media partner of a food brand; Mama Pat’s Foods and helped with the success of landing the gumbo and red beans in over 600 grocery stores. Her marketing strategies and constant “in your face – word of mouth” campaign had products flying off the shelves. She currently does the marketing and video content for the brand she helped create with her sisters (@SellingSistahs). They’ve managed to make Real Estate fun with their different approach! Always #InARealEstateOfMind, they keep their clients happy by accommodating them wherever they can.
She has also managed and created multiple social media campaigns such as Superior Grocers, AgapeNOW, and her personal brand, FilmGurlProductions – keeping followers updated and personally promptly interacting with customers’ comments and questions. Making the fan feel involved and “in the know” with the brand! She is very excited about the launch of her entrepreneurship venture, Entrepreneur Gurl LLC. She believes it is very important to be knowledgeable in many areas! Her tagline describes exactly what she does; “I wear many hats and also sell them!” Find her fedora and unique hats at
Regina really enjoys being behind the scene and capturing great moments in comedy and documenting the best of an individual. She is currently shooting/editing “Back to the Basics” with Bob Sumner, the Co-Creator of Def Comedy Jam and talent scout, responsible for discovering many comedians. Many comedians got their start on Def Comedy Jam, such as Bernie Mac, Bill Bellamy, Mo’Nique, Chris Tucker, Dave Chapelle, Cedric the Entertainer, Mike Epps and so many more, evolving into icons. Her commitment to the art is what makes her stand out from the rest. She is very trustworthy and loyal and this is one of the reasons she is highly sought after. Her dedication, endless supply of new ideas and a strong ability to generate solutions to problems where none seem to exist allows her to be a rare asset and great team player. She takes pleasure in teaching, inspiring and motivating others to do the same and always strive to be their best!
A native of the Bay Area; Richmond, California
What inspires me…
Event planning.
Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.