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Venture Capital


Angel Investing

Seed Funding

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About this category

Fundraising activities can determine the future of your organization. A strong fundraising effort can ensure there are adequate funds to support all of your activities; a poor performance can drain money and threaten the very survival of your organization.

Venture Capital

Startups rely on raising external funding. Venture capital funding is suited for those looking to grow very big and get there as soon as possible. Startups generating profits may also need VC money to fuel their growth and capture a large market.


The practice of obtaining information or input into a task or project by enlisting the services of a large number of people, either paid or unpaid, typically via the internet.

Angel Investing

An angel investor (also known as a private investor, seed investor, or angel funder) is a high net worth individual who provides financial backing for small startups or entrepreneurs, typically in exchange for ownership equity in the company. Often, angel investors are found among an entrepreneur’s family and friends. The funds that angel investors provide may be a one-time investment to help the business get off the ground or an ongoing injection to support and carry the company through its difficult early stages.

Seed Funding

Seed funding helps get things started before the business earns any revenue. It is an effective solution for startups and growing businesses as it provides the much-needed early monetary support. It can cover everything from infrastructure costs, marketing and development costs as well as the cost of initial hiring.


Fundraising activities can determine the future of your organization. A strong fundraising effort can ensure there are adequate funds to support all of your activities; a poor performance can drain money and threaten the very survival of your organization.

Venture Capital

Startups rely on raising external funding. Venture capital funding is suited for those looking to grow very big and get there as soon as possible. Startups generating profits may also need VC money to fuel their growth and capture a large market.


The practice of obtaining information or input into a task or project by enlisting the services of a large number of people, either paid or unpaid, typically via the internet.

Angel Investing

An angel investor (also known as a private investor, seed investor, or angel funder) is a high net worth individual who provides financial backing for small startups or entrepreneurs, typically in exchange for ownership equity in the company. Often, angel investors are found among an entrepreneur's family and friends. The funds that angel investors provide may be a one-time investment to help the business get off the ground or an ongoing injection to support and carry the company through its difficult early stages.

Seed Funding

Seed funding helps get things started before the business earns any revenue. It is an effective solution for startups and growing businesses as it provides the much-needed early monetary support. It can cover everything from infrastructure costs, marketing and development costs as well as the cost of initial hiring.


Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.

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